segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2024



VIAGEM AO FUNDO DO MAR, TEMP. 3, EPISÓDIO 19 – A SEREIA (USA, 1967) – A terceira temporada de VAFDM foi recheada de monstros, e isso foi um fator de mudança nos roteiros, levando os atores a se adaptarem a situações irreais, nas quais a suspensão de descrença se tornou obrigatória. Um exemplo disso, é este episódio mostrando Lee (David Hedison) apaixonado por uma sereia (!). Dá para ver Richard Basehart se esforçando para dar alguma seriedade à história. Irwin Allen, como sempre, aproveitou várias sequências de outras produções para baratear as filmagens. Apesar disso, a série ainda tem um apelo à imaginação, principalmente pelas sequências submarinas, o esguio SeaView e, claro, o subvoador, meu sonho de infância (e do resto da vida também). The third season of VTTBOTS was fraught with monsters, and it was a changing factor in the scripts, making the actors adapt to irreal situations, in which the suspension of disbelief was mandatory. This episode is an example such turning of events: Lee (David Hedison) falls in love with a mermaid (!). You can see Richard Basehart trying to provide some seriousness to the story. Irwin Allen, as always, used several sequences of other productions to save money. Despite this, the show still has some appeal to imagination, mainly because of the submarine footage, the slim SeaView and, of course, the Flying-sub, my childhood dream (to tell the truth, it still is…).     


4535 - GUERRA SEM REGRAS (2024)


GUERRA SEM REGRAS (THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE, UK, 2024) – GSR é dirigido por Guy Ritchie, com Henry Cavill como protagonista numa atuação muito boa. A ação se baseia numa operação britânica na WW2 e é contada com estilo e diálogos razoáveis, numa atmosfera meio tarantinesca limitada pela própria história. The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is directed by Guy Ritchie and stars Henry Cavill – he seems comfortable in the role and doesn't disappoint, keeps the pace going and interactions between everyone are fun to watch. It is (very) loosely based on a true story of a British WW2 covert operation called 'Operation Postmaster'. This film is cool and stylish but delivers much less than its premises. It's filled with swaggering characters spouting cheeky dialogue. A few scenes felt very Tarantino-esque in their hyper-violence or intensity, but they likely couldn't be taken further because of the limitations of a true story. Prime.  

4534 - O PREDADOR (1987)

O PREDADOR (THE PREDATOR, USA, 1987) – Clássico dos anos 80, o filme de John McTiernan (DIE HARD, 1988) traz Arnold Schwarzenegger no ápice da sua reserva de testotesrona, no meio da selva, lutando contra um alienígena que poderia ser morto, porque sangra. O filme não ficou datado, graças aos cortes rápidos (duplo sentido, por favor) nas cenas nas quais o predador retalha suas vítimas. O elemento diferencial aqui é o cenário da floresta, onde se dá o confronto entre Arnnie e o forasteiro, enquanto esses embates geralmente eram feitos no espaço, como em ALIENS. Classic of the 80s, John McTiernan (DIE HARD, 1988) brings Arnold Schawarzenegger at this prime, in the middle of the jungle, fighting an alien that could be killed because it bleeds. The movie has aged well due to the fast cuts (pun intended, please) during the scenes in which the predator slices its victims. The different aspect here is the jungle where the confrontation between Arnie and the alien, as these situations generally take place in space, as in ALIENS. Disney Plus.

4533 - A CONSPIRAÇÃO (2001)


CONSPIRAÇÃO (CONSPIRACY, USA, 2001) A conferência de Wannsee, em 20 de janeiro de 1942, foi uma espécie de missa negra celebrada por Reinhard Heydrich, diante de alguns figurões da cúpula do III Reich. Apesar de já em curso, a solução final para a questão judia teve seu chancelamento nesta reunião, onde Adolf Eichmann foi o mestre de cerimônia. Os registros da conferência foram destruídos, e o filme reconstitui o encontro com base no depoimento de Eichmann durante seu julgamento em Israel. Kenneth Branagh interpreta Heydrich com o ódio e a frieza características do Açougueiro de Praga, enquanto Stanley Tucci, como Eichmann, e Colin Firth, como Wilhelm Stuckart, advogado e autor das Leis de Nuremberg, compõem o elenco. Uma curiosidade: filme de estreia de Tom Hiddleston, como um telefonista mudo. The Wannsee conference, on January 20th, 1942, was a kind of black mass celebrated by Reinhard Heydrich, with the presence of some big shots of the III Reich top rulers. Despite already in course, the Final Solution of the Jewish Question had its approval in this meeting, in which Adolf Eichmann was the master of ceremony. The records of the conference were destroyed, and the movie is based on Eichmann’s testimony during his trial in Israel. Kenneth Branagh plays Heydrich with the Butcher of Prague’s hatred and coldness, while Stanley Tucci, as Eichmann, and Colin Firth, as Wilhelm Stuckart, lawyer and author of the Nuremberg Laws are also in the cast. A trivia: Tom Hiddleston’s film debut, as a mute telephone operator. Prime.  


quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2024


THE DAY HEYDRICH BECAME THE MOST FEARED NAZI IN EUROPE (USA, 2024) - As SS-Obergruppenführer, Heydrich was instrumental in consolidating the SS as a dominant force in the Third Reich. His leadership in the Reich Main Security Office, and later in the Gestapo, allowed him to implement his vision of an efficient and feared security organization. Heydrich's rise culminated in his appointment as Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, and he was widely considered a potential heir to Hitler, given his iron-fisted control and unwavering loyalty to the Führer. The relationship between Hitler and Heydrich was one of mutual admiration and dependence. Hitler needed men like Heydrich to carry out his vision for the Third Reich, and Heydrich, in turn, benefited from his proximity to the leader. Heydrich, the cold and calculating man, had an almost symbiotic relationship with Hitler. It was said that Hitler saw in him an extension of himself, someone he could trust blindly to carry out the most horrific tasks without a hint of doubt or remorse. YouTube.

quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2024

4531 - O SEXTO HOMEM (1961)

O SEXTO HOMEM (THE OUTSIDER, USA, 1961)This is a solid study of a historical figure (one of the GIs who raised the flag on Iwo Jima) and how he struggled to deal with the title of "hero" after the photo of the flag raising became a patriotic icon. Tony Curtis gave the viewer a great insight into the pain felt by this misguided Hero. This film is a somewhat accurate account of Ira Hayes' story and is well-meaning, but it suffers from the fatal miscasting of Tony Curtis. Curtis tries hard, but the idea of a Brooklyn-voiced actor slathered in bronzer playing an ordinary-looking man from Arizona is ludicrous. YouTube. 

4530 - HITLER EM CORES (2005)

HITLER EM CORES (HITLER IN COLOR, USA, 2005) - Documentary using only original color footage charts the 12 years from Adolf Hitler's rise to power to the fall of Berlin in 1945. Complemented by eyewitness material, tracks the dramatic transformation of Germany into a Nazi state, looks into Hitler's relationship with his lover Eva Braun and replicates pivotal events, including Nazi rallies, the invasion of Poland, Hitler's meeting with Lloyd George, the horrors of Buchenwald concentration camp, Warsaw's Jewish Ghetto, the Battle of Britain and the fall of Berlin. Looke.

sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2024

4529 - POSSÚÍDOS (1998)


POSSUÍDOS (FALLEN, USA, 1998) – Denzel Washington é obrigatório, mas há outros neste filme: Donald Sutherland, John Goodman e James Gandolfini. Reunindo thriller policial e elementos sobrenaturais, o roteiro gira em torno de um policial, John Hobbes  (sim, o nome é proposital), interpretado por Denzel, investigando uma série de assassinados atribuídos ao anjo Azazel. O nome do personagem de Denzel é a junção de Hobbes e Locke, filósofos do século 17. Hobbes acreditava no controle da sociedade sobre os homens, enquanto Locke defendia a postura racional e auto disciplinada das pessoas. Estes temas são explorados no roteiro, além das questões metafísicas. Denzel Washington is mandatory as well as Donald Sutherland, John goodman and James Goldofini. Connecting cop thriller and sobrenatural elements, the scritp is about na agent, John Hobbes (Denzel) investigating crime attributed to angel Azazel. As pessoas que gostam de gatos vão ter uma boa surpresa no decorrer da história. The name John Hobbes is based on two philosophers from the 17th century, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Hobbes generally thought that men were evil, and needed the constraints of society to make them better. Locke thought that men are thinking, rational creatures capable of peaceful co-existence. These two themes are explored in the film, besides the metaphysical issues. Cat lovers will have a pleasant surprise in the story. Prime.

terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2024

4528 - LOUCOS POR JUSTIÇA (2022)

LOUCOS POR JUSTIÇA (RIDERS OF JUSTICE, Dinamarca, 2020) – Madds Milkelsen é obrigatório – neste filme, ele é um homem sofrendo por uma grande perda, caracaterística comum entre os outros personagens, todos prourando um sentido neste mundo, entre sentimentos de vingança e de resgate de relações de amizade. It's not a revenge-movie per se, but deals with issues like parenthood, friendship, and forgiveness. Riders for Justice is a multi-character driven exploration into desperate humans struggling for some meaning in this world. The film is based around the premise of a tragic, inexplicable loss - this leads the main characters to use rash judgement to seek revenge, each with their own justification for wanting to partake in this revenge. Prime.