O MISTÉRIO DA FELICIDADE (EL MISTERIO DE LA FELICIDAD, ARGENTINA, 2016) - Santiago (Guillermo Francella) e Eugenio (Fabián Arenillas) são sócios e grandes amigos. Quando Eugenio desaparece sem deixar pistas, Santiago se dá conta da gravidade do problema após Laura (Ines Estévez), esposa do amigo, lhe contar que ele a deixou. Juntos, os dois seguem para o Brasil a fim de reunir as peças que explicam o seu desaparecimento. No entanto, aos poucos, os sentimentos entre eles começam a se confundir. Santiago and Eugenio are more than friends, they are lifelong business partners. They understand each other without words, they care for each other, they need each other. One day Eugenio disappears without leaving any clues behind. Santiago immediately notices his absence, but only realizes what have happened when Eugenio's wife, Laura, lost and hopeless assures him that Eugenio has left. Santiago and Laura begin a journey in order to find him and end up discovering that they prefer to stay together in this quest rather than finding out where he is.