VOCÊ VAI CONHECER O HOMEM DOS SEUS SONHOS (YOU WILL MEET A TALL DARK STRANGER, USA, 2010) – Meio caminho entre o drama e a comédia, não é dos melhores trabalhos de Woody Allen. De certa forma, os temas tradicionais do universo woodyalleniano estão presentes mais uma vez: relacionamentos desgastados, casamentos em crise, a busca da juventude, o fim inevitável dos sonhos amorosos diante do torvelinho das angústias e das frustrações. Ainda não entendi bem o que Anthony Hopkins está fazendo num papel infinitamente menor do que seu talento. Half way between drama and comedy, it is not ne of Woody Allen’s best works. Anyhow, the traditional themes of woody Allen’s universe are present once more: broken relationships, marriages on the verge of a crisis, search for youth, the inevitable end of loving dreams in the whirlpool of suffering and frustrations. I have not understood what Anthony Hopkins is doing on a role that is clearly not up to his talent.
sábado, 24 de abril de 2021
quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2021
3744 - PIECES OF A WOMAN (2020)
Vanessa Kirby |
PIECES OF A WOMAN (USA, 2020) – O título é mais do que adequado – é assim mesmo, em pedaços, que Martha (Vanessa Kirby) se sente depois que sua filha morre logo depois do nascimento. Vanessa dá conta do papel difícil, mas é Ellen Burstyn que faz do drama uma arte maior: suas cenas são talento puro. A nota dissonante é o sempre baixo-astral Shia LaBeouf e seu personagem totalmente incoerente. No mais, é um filme sobre perdas e as diferentes formas de lidar com elas. The title is more than adequate – that how Martha (Vanessa Kirby) feels after a devastating loss: in pieces. Vanessa is perfect in a tough role, but it is Ellen Burstyn who elevates the dramatic level of the script: her scenes are pure talent. The jarring note is the haunted Shia LaBeouf and his totally incoherent character. All and all, it a movie about losses and the diverse ways to cope with them.
terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2021
3743 - O PROFESSOR (2019)
Depp, mais que Sparrow... |
THE PROFESSOR (USA, 2018) – Ótima oportunidade para Johnny Depp provar que pode ser mais do que Jack Sparrow. Aqui, ele é um professor com uma doença terminal – a notícia vem logo no início do filme e, como sói acontecer neste tipo de história, as descobertas vão acontecendo entre lágrimas. Mas o filme é surpreendentemente bom, quase narrado pela voz cada vez mais grave de Depp, um ator cujo talento dramático está muito além dos tipos esquisitos as quais nos acostumamos. That’s a great opportunity for Johnny Depp to prove that he can be much more than Jack Sparrow. Here, he is a prefessor with a terminal disease - the news breaks in the beginning of the movie and, as it happens in this kind of story, existencial discoveries come along with tears. But the movie is surprisingly good, almost narrated with Depp’s graver voice, a great actor whose dramatic talent goes much farther of the odd characters to which we have accostumed. Prime.
segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2021
BREAKING BAD – QUINTA TEMPORADA – Apenas cascas das pessoas que um dia foram, Walt e Jessie estão cada vez mais distantes do mundo de onde vieram. Nesta última temporada, assistida com o coração na mão, tudo se encaixa perfeitamente. Parabéns ao elenco e a Vince Gilligan – BB boquiabriu-me inúmeras vezes. É uma história simples, bem executada que, graças ao roteiro perfeito e uma abordagem realística de pessoas comuns, e de como suas escolhas as levaram a uma total transformação de suas personalidades, transformou-se numa obra-prima. Walt and Jesse are shells of the people they once were, the unique personalities they once had, and the families and ones they loved that they lost. During this season from start to finish I was completely still, heart racing as I inched towards the end. Closure is done, the season comes to its finale exactly how I wanted and almost all the fans wanted it to end. BREAKING BAD showed how a simple story with the right execution can become something fantastic and the source to all of that is writing, writing and again writing. BREAKING BAD dropped my jaw more that I can remember. It showed how a drama can frighten its audiences literally, not by gruesome ferocity but by simply by the story itself. A completely realistic approach into normal people's lives and brilliant concept into showing how circumstances and choices can really transform a normal person's personality. A masterpiece.
segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2021
1. SEGREDOS OFICIAIS (OFFICIAL SECRETS, UK, 2019) - O longa é baseado no caso de Katherine Gun (Keira Kneighley), uma tradutora do Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ, agência da inteligência britânica responsável por vigiar os meios de comunicação) que, em 2003, vazou uma ordem de seus superiores para, a pedido do governo dos Estados Unidos, espionar membros do Conselho de Segurança da ONU para adquirir informações que pudessem ser usadas para convencer as delegações a votarem a favor da guerra do Iraque. Considerando o pedido ilegal e com remorso pelas vidas que seriam perdidas no caso de um confronto, Gun encontrou um jeito de publicar a ordem, sendo então enquadrada no Ato de Segredos Oficiais da constituição britânica, que proíbe qualquer empregado do governo de compartilhar informações consideradas sigilosas com pessoas fora do trabalho. If Official Secrets falls down it’s in a lack of confidence that an audience will follow the complex machinations, constantly recapping to make sure we are all on the same page. It also falls into too many ‘movie-movie’ tropes, be it shout-y British newspaper editors or a last-gasp attempt to stop a key character being deported. As Katharine makes the incredibly brave decision to ‘fess up and GCHQ start threatening her through Scotland Yard, she engages human-rights law firm Liberty, headed by Ben Emmerson (Ralph Fiennes, coasting but classy), to take on her case.
3740 - MEDIDAS EXTREMAS (1996)
1. MEDIDAS EXTREMAS (EXTREME MEASURES, USA) - The movie, written by Tony Gilroy, is pitched at a higher level than most thrillers; the dialogue is literate and intelligent, and Hugh Grant is more of an everyman than an action hero (he tones down his light comedy mannerisms and emerges as a credible doctor). It's interesting that, at the end, Apted avoids the obligatory action cliches of the usual movie thriller and goes with the strengths of his two actors: Grant and Hackman deliver well-reasoned speeches in defense of their characters.
3739 - O SOMBRA (1995)
O SOMBRA(THE SHADOW, USA, 1995) - "The Shadow" is the kind of movie that plays better, the more baggage you bring to it. If you respond to film noir, if you like dark streets and women with scarlet lips and big fast cars with running boards, the look of this movie will work some kind of magic. The story itself may not be so mesmerizing, but who really cares? Style and tone are everything with a movie like this, which wants to bring to life a dark secret place in the lurid pulp imagination.
3738 - ASSUNTO DE FAMÍLIA (2018)
ASSUNTO DE FAMÍLIA (SHOPLIFTERS, Japão, 2018) - Shoplifters isn’t driven by plot. For much of the film, we are merely observing this family as they steal or slurp noodles noisily or go to the beach. But slowly, the story builds to a desperately sad and poignant climax. This is the sort of film you will want to see again – to observe the slight shifts in tone, the expressions that reveal the horror of what is going on but also the deep bond that these people have created with each other. Love is as formidable as the loneliness. Reminds of PARASITE in many aspects.
3737 -0 BREAKING BAD - TEMPORADA 4 (2011)
1. BREAKING BAD – TEMPORADA 4 - What’s particularly interesting with season 4 is the way it uses these themes and ideas of jealousy and anger to drive the story forward. It’s not only the driving force for our characters, it’s ultimately both their undoing and their triumph. Some of this is shown quite literally, with a couple of specifically framed shots of video-game Rage sitting on a bookshelf. Other times it’s a lot more subtle and well hidden, with Gus’ true vengeance-fueled mission revealed late on in the game.
Marion Coutillard |
ERA UMA VEZ EM NOVA IORQUE (THE IMMIGRANT, USA, 2013) - In American popular culture, and in the private lore of millions of American families, the immigrant experience of the late-19th and early 20th centuries is often presented as a chronicle of struggle and triumph, a parable of dreams come true. In “The Immigrant,” James Gray (who directed the film and wrote it with Richard Menello) tries to push through this rosy nostalgia and recapture some of the terror and strangeness of the journey from the Old World to the New. The film’s period recreation of New York in 1921 is meticulously drawn in rich, dark colors and chiaroscuro displays of light and shadow. According to the color coincidence, Gray is a very conscious filmmaker who lets no visual detail escape his attention, and sometimes that has the effect of making everything seem preserved in amber, or as if we are watching a dream. Moreover, Marion Cotillard is so beautiful and talented that, besides her scenes, she might also steal our hearts.
3735 - A PAIXÃO DE CRISTO (2004)
Monica Bellucci expandindo o sentido de "paixão" |
A PAIXÃO DE CRISTO (THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, USA, 2004) – Comparado com REI DOS REIS (1961), este filme de Mel Gibson é muito mais dramático, ao mostrar as últimas 12 horas de Jesus, dando à palavra “paixão” sua conotação básica de sofrimento. Não há a suavidade da versão de Nicholas Ray, na qual Jefffrey Hunter parece flutar em cada uma de suas cenas. Por outro lado, Jim Caviezel consegue personificar a dor na sua dimensão mais profunda. Há, porém, para todos nós, uma compensação notável: Monica Bellucci é Maria Madalena. Compared to KING OF KINGS (1961), Mel Gibson’s movie much more dramatic, depicting of the last twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem, giving the word “passion” the basic connotation of grief. There is no lightness here, opposed to Nicholas Ray’s version in which Jeffrey Hunter seems to float in every scene. On the other hand, Jim Caviezel embodies grief in its real dimension. However, there is a remarkable compensation for all of us: Monica Bellucci is Magdalen.
domingo, 11 de abril de 2021
3734 - JANELA SECRETA (2004)
A JANELA SECRETA (SECRET WINDOW, USA, 2004) - ''Secret Window'' dramatizes the plight of Mort (Johnny depp), who is suffering from writer's block. This was triggered by the tumultuous break-up of his marriage to Amy (Maria Bello) and the protracted divorce proceedings. Pale and disheveled, Mr. Depp rolls through the film in a wardrobe that looks as if it has been slept in, the kind of believable physical detail that never gets costume designers Oscar nominations because it's far too real. Don’t dress too warm to go see “Secret Window.” It isn’t going to give viewers the chills they are expecting from the trailer. I liked it better the first time I saw it.
domingo, 4 de abril de 2021
3733 - UM BANHO DE VIDA (2018)
Amizade até debaixo d'água |
. UM BANHO DE VIDA (LE GRAND BAIN, Bélgica, França, 2018) – O que mais me chama atenção neste filme é o tema da amizade entre um grupo de homens cujas vidas, em certo momento, perderam o sentido. Não há como não se identificar com a história, especialmente se já experimentamos as perdas existenciais no seu sentido mais profundo. Essas perdas – não se enganem – nunca são recuperadas. Porém, podem ser momentaneamente esquecidas. Joe-Joe tem razão: a trilha eclipsa o filme. A metáfora do nado sincronizado não poderia ser mais perfeita: a amizade em tempos líquidos. What calls my attention in this movie is the friendship among men whose lives, at a certain point, have lost their meaning. We can not help connecting with the script, especially if we have already experienced existencial losses that – don’t fool yourself – can not be recovered. However, they may be temporarily forgotten. Joe-Joe has a point: the soundtrack surpasses the story at so many levels. Netflix.