segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2021


Breaking Bad | 5ª e última temporada tem data confirmada – Série Maníacos

 BREAKING BAD – QUINTA TEMPORADA – Apenas cascas das pessoas que um dia foram, Walt e Jessie estão cada vez mais distantes do mundo de onde vieram. Nesta última temporada, assistida com o coração na mão, tudo se encaixa perfeitamente. Parabéns ao elenco e a Vince Gilligan – BB boquiabriu-me inúmeras vezes. É uma história simples, bem executada que, graças ao roteiro perfeito e uma abordagem realística de pessoas comuns, e de como suas escolhas as levaram a uma total transformação de suas personalidades, transformou-se numa obra-prima.  Walt and Jesse are shells of the people they once were, the unique personalities they once had, and the families and ones they loved that they lost. During this season from start to finish I was completely still, heart racing as I inched towards the end. Closure is done, the season comes to its finale exactly how I wanted and almost all the fans wanted it to end. BREAKING BAD showed how a simple story with the right execution can become something fantastic and the source to all of that is writing, writing and again writing. BREAKING BAD dropped my jaw more that I can remember. It showed how a drama can frighten its audiences literally, not by gruesome ferocity but by simply by the story itself. A completely realistic approach into normal people's lives and brilliant concept into showing how circumstances and choices can really transform a normal person's personality. A masterpiece.