quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2024

4409 -HOMENS DE PRETO (1997)


HOMENS DE PRETO (MEN IN BLACK, USA, 1997) – O filme ainda continua interessante, sob o ponto de vista dos efeitos especiais (muito bons para a época) e, principalmente, por causa da química entre Tommy Lee Jones e Will Smith, este a anos luz do tapa em Chris Rock. The element which stuck out to me as being done extraordinarily well was the writing, specifically the comic interplay between Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Their characters are so different, and yet play off each other so well. Even the smaller parts were well-written and played. Of particular amusement to me was the largely physical performance given by Vincent D'Onofrio as the main bad bug. You can tell he gave it his all with his awkward speech patterns and movements. It really seemed like he was adjusting to a human body, and it was all done with a sly sense of humor.