terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013


(LOST HORIZON, USA 1973) - This version is much closer to the 1937 film than to the original James Hilton novel. It tells the story of a group of travellers whose airplane is hijacked while fleeing a bloody revolution. The airplane crash lands in an unexplored area of the Himalayas, where the party is rescued and taken to the lamasery of Shangri-La. Miraculously, Shangri-La, sheltered by mountains on all sides, is a temperate paradise amid the land of snows. Perfect health is the norm, and inhabitants live to very old age while maintaining a youthful appearance. I like this movie very much because of its poetic and dreamy atmosphere. Being a musical, in a certain sense, prevents the audience from diving entirely into the plot, but, in the end, the movie works.