segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2024



A MEXICANA (THE MEXICAN, USA, 2001) - The Mexican" is not really a romantic comedy like many audiences will expect; it is a somewhat coarse, violent adventure with undertones dealing with forgiveness and the strength of love. Actually, the relationship between the characters of Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts is quite trite. Except for the third act, whenever on screen together, the two characters do nothing but bitterly argue and fight. The performances keep the romance alive; clearly Pitt and Roberts are the right choices for the parts. Brad Pitt progresses into a somewhat comedic role, and he often struggles with it. But I certainly thought his performance was funny. He gives his character the perfect amount of charm and sweetness. Julia Roberts is a little annoying but puts an effective edge in her character. But James Gandolfini is there, and this fact moves the story to another level.