quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2024

4447 - LA CHIMERA (2023)

LA CHIMERA (Itália, França, 2023) -  Este é um dos films mais bonitos dos últimos tempos. É uma agridoce versão do realism fantástico italiano extremamente bem dirigido por Alice Rohrwacher. Sua parábola sobre essa história de amor, entrelaçada com arqueologia, e primorosa. "La Chimera" is a bittersweet addition to the magical-Italian-realism cinematic universe of director Alice Rohrwacher. Her new parable about Italy that is also a folklore fairytale tells the story of clairvoyant/haunted archeologist/graverobber Arthur, played by Josh O'Connor. Arthur's journey to retrieve the film's buried namesake is not one for glory and it's barely for riches; O'Connor commits both emotionally and physically to a naturalistic portrait of a lost man searching for something that is beyond the tangible.