quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2024

4445 - O LEITOR (2008)


O LEITOR (THE READER, USA, 2008) – O filme de Stephen Daldry (Do magnífico TÃO FORTE, TÃO PERTO) é uma bela história de amor, marcada pela tragédia da WW2 e um fio condutor irresistível: a paixão pelos livros. Há também Kate Winslet numa atuação comovente, junto com David Kross, Ralph Fiennes e Bruno Ganz. the story asks its audience what a true monster is. If you know a secret, one that could exonerate someone from being found guilty of murder, should you help her even though you know she's accepted her guilt despite being unable to stop it? What if that person was someone you loved? There is some heavy material thrown about in the second half of this film, emotions run high and people must make decisions concerning some very dire situations.