terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015

2548 - FOREVER

FOREVER (USA, 2014) - First of all, the acting, especially that of Ioan Gruffudd, is just fantastic. The cast has great on-screen chemistry. All of them, especially Gruffudd, are so charismatic in their roles. They make fans care about the characters and what happens to them. The writing is great. It is exciting, emotional, funny, and cinematic and keeps viewers on the edges of their seats. Also, each episode carries a message of hope and the advice that life should be cherished and never taken for granted. With all the suffering in this world, with all of the challenges we all face, that is a wonderful message and a wonderful piece of advice to receive. Also in regards to the writing, the characters all stand out as individuals. They all have their own personalities, thus each of them brings something to the table, so to speak. Fans are able to love them all equally because they are all different. Forever also stands out against other procedurals because Henry Morgan is immortal. It has a supernatural element to it. No other procedural airing right now can claim that. The show's mystery element is also great. How did Henry become immortal? Who or what cursed him? Will he ever figure out how to break his curse? If he does, what will he do? And just who is Adam? What does he want from Henry? How did he even find out about Henry? How did he come to know that Henry is afflicted with the exact same curse? These questions the show has posed keep viewers on the edges of their seats!