quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2020


El Chapo | Site Oficial Netflix
Começa a saga de El Chapo
1.     EL CHAPO, TEMPORADA 1 – 10 EPISÓDIOS - (MÉXICO, USA, 2017) – Joaquín Gusmán Loera, no México, seguiu a mesma trilha de Escobar e se tornou o grande chefe do narcotráfico na região. Nesta primeira temporada, El Chapo começa a construir seu império. O elenco é ótimo. Marco de la O está perfeito no papel do personagem principal, com o qual se amalgama totalmente, capturando seus maneirismos em todos os detalhes, do sotaque às roupas. Quem se destaca também é Humberto Busto, como o político corrupto Conrado Sol. The first season of the series follows El Chapo through his personal quest on becoming a dominant drug lord in the harsh streets of Mexico. The drama, violence, love life and flashbacks of an easier life becomes more and more real as El Chapo faces troubles after troubles. The casting was brilliant. Marco de la O did a great job as El Chapo. He captured the accent, the mannerisms and even resembled El Chapo so much that you could forget he was an actor playing a part. It felt like you were really seeing El Chapo. Even the clothing he wore was the same as what you see in photos and videos of El Chapo, so the attention to detail was amazing. Humberto Busto was also outstanding as the corrupt politician Conrado Sol. The actors who played former Presidents Salinas, Fox, Calderon, Peña Nieto and other recognizable politicians in Mexico were really good at creating their characters. Chapo's family, friends, and henchmen were also convincing in their roles. Overall, it was a believable cast and very well acted.. Almost everything that happens in the show happened in real life, so it's almost like watching a documentary.