quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2020

3496 - HOLMES & WATSON (2016)

Trailer de "Holmes & Watson" é lançado - Os Cinéfilos
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      HOLMES E WATSON (USA, 2016) - With Holmes & Watson, Ferrell returns to that more outlandish territory, Reilly in tow. But he doesn’t seem to know what to do there. In spite of the more aghast reviews, Holmes isn’t an outright crime against comedy. It’s agreeably silly, and sometimes appealingly slapsticky, compared to the talkier likes of Blockers or Game Night. It would be more refreshing, though, if writer-director Etan Cohen had any idea why 2018 needed a big, goofy spoof of the Sherlock Holmes stories, or what he was really spoofing, apart from some Guy Ritchie movies and the general notion of a super-intelligent detective. There are moments where the movie has fun with its well-appointed recreation of 19th-century London, like when it sends Holmes and Watson out for a wild night on the bad side of town, replete with casual stabbings and drunken telegramming. But more often, Holmes feels like a ghost of a movie, as if everyone involved is trying to re-create a decade-old great idea from the wisps of memory. (The film’s lengthy development time might have contributed here.). For the most part, it’s gratifying that a movie like Holmes & Watson can be made to feel outmoded by scrappier (yet also much better-made) comedies like Game Night and Blockers. It probably wouldn’t hurt Ferrell if he followed his earlier example and scaled his projects back down — a process that helped Adam Sandler make his best outright comedy in ages this very year.