domingo, 24 de dezembro de 2023

4365 - TEMPO (2022)

TEMPO (OLD, USA, 2021)
Dirigido por M. Night Shyamalan, essa fábula sobre o envelhecimento gera questões importantes durante a narrativa, mas tropeça num desfecho meio corrido e, de certa forma, frustrante. Talvez fosse melhor ter deixado o final aberto, pois isso seria mais condizente com o clima de mistério mantido nesta história na qual um grupo de turistas, presos numa praia distante, começa a envelhecer rapidamente. Os protagonistas, Gael Garcia Bernal e Vicky Krieps (do belo TRAMA FANTASMA) estão corretos. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, this fable about ageing leads to important issues during the narrative, but its ending does not match the mystery atmosphere of the story about a group of tourists that start ageing rapidly on a distant beach. Or maybe it’s just that “Old,” a story of collective bodily breakdown arriving in the midst of a pandemic, builds to an obvious but appreciably stirring note. It acknowledges the reality of just how quickly time passes and how cruelly loved ones can be ripped away. Maybe it’s true that life is too short for bad movies. Or maybe it’s too short not to take what pleasure in them you can.