INTERESTELAR (INTERSTELLAR, USA, 2014) – Um dos filmes mais lindos já feitos. Poético, profundo, instigante. Não há como não se emocionar com a viagem de Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) e sua conexão com a filha Murph (Jessica Chastain). Mais uma obra de arte de Christopher Nolan. One of the most beautiful movies ever. Poetic, deep, inspiring. One can not help being moved inside by Cooper’s voyage and his connection with his daughter, Murph. A science-fiction masterpiece. Nolan executes a marvelous direction that slowly but efficiently puts in place a dark world creating a necessity to save humanity. Add to that great performances from Nolan and Hathaway plus a great score from Hans Zimmer. The result is on the best science-fiction movies of all time. Prime.
terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2023
4354 - INTERESTELAR (2014)
INTERESTELAR (INTERSTELLAR, USA, 2014) – Um dos filmes mais lindos já feitos. Poético, profundo, instigante. Não há como não se emocionar com a viagem de Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) e sua conexão com a filha Murph (Jessica Chastain). Mais uma obra de arte de Christopher Nolan. One of the most beautiful movies ever. Poetic, deep, inspiring. One can not help being moved inside by Cooper’s voyage and his connection with his daughter, Murph. A science-fiction masterpiece. Nolan executes a marvelous direction that slowly but efficiently puts in place a dark world creating a necessity to save humanity. Add to that great performances from Nolan and Hathaway plus a great score from Hans Zimmer. The result is on the best science-fiction movies of all time. Prime.