sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2023

4374 - THE CROWN - TEMP 6 - 10 EPISÓDIOS (2023)


THE CROWN – TEMP 6 – 10 EPISÓDIOS (THE CROWN, UK, 2023) – A morte de Diana é o foco desta temporada de THE CROWN, ou o show de Diana – isso se deve, claro, à presença mesmerizante de Elizabeth Debick, como a princesa de Gales.  Welcome to series six of The Crown – or The Diana Show, as it has now become, thanks to the mesmerizing presence of Elizabeth Debick, as the Princess of Wales. Where once you could expect a 10-episode run to represent at least a decade of royal shenanigans, limning the political machinations of the time and throwing in an examination of evolving palace protocol minutiae, the first three episodes of the latest installment deal with just the last eight weeks of Diana’s life, and the fourth with The Crash and the funeral. Netflix.