domingo, 22 de setembro de 2024


HOW WOULD THE THOUSAND-YEAR REICH HAVE BEEN? – Este documentário relata como seria o mundo, se a Alemanha tivesse ganhado a Guerra e ampliado seus domínios pelo planeta. Uma parte interessante é a questão da sucessão de Hitler: primeiro, ficaria com Himmler e, depois, seria ocupada por uma pessoa anônima, por motivos de segurança. Adolf Hitler imagined a future where Germany would be a dominant power and the center of an empire destined to last a thousand years. His ambition went far beyond the military or political; he aspired to create a new world order, a Reich that would rule over a world unified under Aryan supremacy. For the Führer, this empire would be the pinnacle of human civilization, with Germany at the helm of a world unified under his iron fist. Germania was at the heart of this vision, a city meant to symbolize the greatness and power of the Third Reich. Designed by Albert Speer, Germania was to be the capital of this new world, a monumental metropolis that would eclipse all others. With its colossal buildings and intimidating architecture, the city would be the physical manifestation of National Socialist supremacy, a place where the power of the Reich would be felt in every corner, and where future generations would look for inspiration. YouTube.