domingo, 29 de setembro de 2024

4524 - JOGO DE PODER (2010)

 JOGO DE PODER (FAIR GAME, USA, 2010) – Uma agente da CIA tem sua identidade revelada, depois do artigo de seu marido num jornal, desmentindo o governo Bush sobre as armas de destruição em massa no Iraque. The film has its flaws, though. The pacing could be a bit tighter and the dialog in Iraq doesn't sound genuinely Iraqi. However, Doug Liman's direction is enough to keep the tension gripping and the film focused on the characters, not just glimpses of the war and scandal. Joe Wilson and Valerie Plane are the attractive protagonists of this thriller that looks and feels like a work of fiction. They are played by the wonderful Sean Penn and Naomi Watts, although the hand-held camera and the digital thing worked against them.