CÓPIA FIEL (COPIE CONFORME, France, 2010) – Sair para passear com Juliette Binoche, num vilarejo italiano, tomar café com ela, enquanto conversamos sobre a arte – se isso não é a felicidade completa eu não sei o que pode ser. O filme nos leva a refletir sobre a autenticidade e perenidade da obra de arte e das relações afetivas. Na afternoon outing with Juliette Binoche, in an Italian village, having coffee during a conversation about arts – if this is not happiness, I do not know what it might be. The film forces us to wonder to what extent the relationship between the two central characters is real, or an imitation of a once real relationship. The discussion is whether a real relationship is any better than a certified copy i.e., a fake relationship where both parties pretend it is real. That is the central question - the value of the authentic versus the value of the fake.