MACHUCA (Chile, 2004) – Durante a ditadura de Pinochet, que provocou inúmeras mortes entre os apoiadores de Allende, a amizade entre dois meninos oriundos de classes sociais distintas coloca em perspectiva as relações humanas em períodos de exceção. Atenção para a cena em que os militares chegam a uma favela atirando nos moradores, na parte final do filme. Devastadora. In 1973, the Chilean military, under the direction of General Augusto Pinochet and backed by the CIA, overthrew the shaky socialist government of democratically elected President Salvador Allende. The coup led to the murder of 3,000 leftist Allende supporters and the detention of an estimated 250,000 political prisoners. Set against the background of the political instability that led to the crisis, Andrés Woods' Machuca is the moving story of the friendship between two boys from different sides of the social spectrum. Attention to the scene where soldiers shot the inhabitants of a slum. Devastating.