promised by the
finale of season two, the final season of Narcos: Mexico focuses on
the emerging bosses from the cartels who step up in Gallardo’s
place: Amado Carillo Fuentes (José María Yázpik), of Juárez; Benjamín (Alfonso
Dosal); Ramón (Manuel Masalva) and Enedina Arellano Félix (Mayra Hermosillo),
of Tijuana; and Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán (Alejandro Edda) of Sinaloa. Season 3 will be set in the 1990s, when the globalization of the drug
business ignites. After Felix’s empire has splintered, the new
episodes will focus on the cartels that emerged to take over that
power vacuum created in its wake and the new generation of Mexican kingpins
that ushered them in.