domingo, 3 de maio de 2020


TOP 10 Filmes Woody Allen | 1. Annie Hall | Magazine.HD
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       NOIVO NERVOSO, NOIVA NEURÓTICA (ANNIE HALL, USA, 1977) - Not only is Annie Hall the most experimental best picture win the Oscar – it also features an entire section dedicated to viciously roasting the shallowness of awards show culture. Before Annie Hall, Woody Allen was a joke-scribbler and standup and talk show guest who made small, oddball comedies that, while brilliant, were hardly known for rich character development. His previous film, Love and Death, dumped his classic neurotic New Yorker persona into a plot to assassinate Napoleon. (If you haven’t seen it, you really must.) After Annie Hall he emerged as the lovechild of Chaplin and Bergman and Buñuel by way of Philip Roth, and one of the greatest artists in the history of cinema. (That title still fits, by the way or anyhow). TC Cult