segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2020


Belas Artes à la Carte dá assinatura grátis até 15 abril | VEJA ...
Darín, grandíssimo
      UMA PISTOLA EM CADA MÃO (UMA PISTOLA EM CADA MANO, Espanha, 2012) -  Não há tiros no filme, como sugere o título, mas sim uma coleção de egos masculinos feridos emocionalmente. Ricardo Darín é sempre obrigatório e está num dos episódios deste filme do catalão Cesc Gay, em total empatia com seus atores. É um passeio voyeurístico na vida dos personagens, que formam uma irmandade que encanta tanto homens quanto mulheres. There are no actual shootouts in the movie but plenty of male egos are wounded in this clever collection of comic vignettes from Catalan auteur Cesc Gay, who reveals great empathy with his male characters, as he gradually unfolds six engrossing tales about love both lost and found, as well as friendships valued. Starring a top-notch cast of Spanish-language talents—including Ricardo Darin. The reality of what we are witnessing makes us feel like voyeurs on real people’s real lives, such is the brilliance of the acting style required by the director. All the men involved frankly express the emotions they are feeling to each other in an entirely engaging way, appearing both tender and sensitive to each other’s plight. It is a very clever male bonding movie, which sadly will probably be viewed mainly by women, as many men will find it hard to confront. Petra Belas Artes.