ARIZONA, USA, 1987) - Contado num
estilo de Looney Tunes, o filme aborda o desejo americano de ter uma família
ideal. Nicolas Cage é o herói contemplativo: um ex-detento, cujo sonho se
materializa no casamento com a policial Edwina (Holly Hunter). Juntos, eles caem
na estrada, atrás do sonho de ter um filho. Este Segundo filme dos irmãos Cohen
é um mergulho num precipício, com seu ritmo alucinante e suas cenas de desenho
animado. Totalmente encantador. Told
in a kind of Looney Tunes style, Raising
Arizona is a film that questions the desire to achieve the ideal
American family. The contemplative hero, Nicolas Cage, hopes to escape his
orbit between jail and freedom when he resolves to marry Holly Hunter’s police officer
named Edwina, a partner seemingly capable of making him drop anchor. Together,
they are hit the road for making their desire to have a child come true. For
their second endeavor into filmmaking, the Cohens sought to create something
that looks like breakneck speed. The movie is marked by a bright, hilarious
living cartoon-like sequences, shot in a series of pensive dreams, elaborate
chases, and the energy of an animated short. Entirely charming.