segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2022



UM HOMEM COM UMA CÂMERA (CHELOVEK S KINO-APPARATOM, Rússia, 1929) Este é um filme sobre a sociedade russa através do ponto de vista de um cineasta (Dziga Vertov), usando uma técnica única de transições narrativas e nos colocando dentro da rotina diária da sociedade russa. Todos os recursos possíveis na época são usados. The movie is about a view of Russian society. from a filmmaker’s perspective. With some unique editing and some nice transitions, this a film that took years to put together with a camera simply presenting the daily routines of all segments of Russian society. It uses every kind of special effect available in 1929 and puts it out there. The segments are a counterpoint to each other, showing the remarkable skill of the editor. It is a movie decades ahead of its time. One cannot help being absolutely stunned by the brilliant portrayal of waste and change in the world. TC Cult.