THE THIRD REICH IN COLOR (Alemanha, 2021) - This documentary series directed by Michael Kloft presents rare and extraordinary footage, including Hitler’s infamous lightning visit to occupied Paris in 1940, his meetings with Mussolini in Berlin and Rome, and scenes from everyday life under the swastika. It also features the Wehrmacht’s desperate final stand on the Oder River in April 1945, secret experiments with the legendary V2 rocket, and dramatic invasions in North Africa, Sicily, and Normandy. The images of the Third Reich in the memory of generations are always in classic black and white. But hidden in film archives and private collections, completely different images have also been preserved – in colour. They were taken on the beaches of Normandy and at simple folk festivals, they document the wartime atrocities of the Wehrmacht and life on Hitler’s mountain farm – and they lend an oppressive reality to the footage of the criminal Nazi regime.
sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2024
THE THIRD REICH IN COLOR (Alemanha, 2021) - This documentary series directed by Michael Kloft presents rare and extraordinary footage, including Hitler’s infamous lightning visit to occupied Paris in 1940, his meetings with Mussolini in Berlin and Rome, and scenes from everyday life under the swastika. It also features the Wehrmacht’s desperate final stand on the Oder River in April 1945, secret experiments with the legendary V2 rocket, and dramatic invasions in North Africa, Sicily, and Normandy. The images of the Third Reich in the memory of generations are always in classic black and white. But hidden in film archives and private collections, completely different images have also been preserved – in colour. They were taken on the beaches of Normandy and at simple folk festivals, they document the wartime atrocities of the Wehrmacht and life on Hitler’s mountain farm – and they lend an oppressive reality to the footage of the criminal Nazi regime.