sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2020


Will Venice hit 'Our Souls at Night' finally win Jane Fonda that ...
Redford e Fonda, lindos até hoje...

      NOSSAS NOITES (OUR SOULS AT NIGHT, USA, 2017) – Escondido no cardápio da Netflix, este filme sensível é sobre Louis, um viúvo que mora numa pequena cidade do Colorado e tem muita dificuldade para dormir. Sempre acordado antes do nascer do sol, ele é mais um homem solitário numa tela de Edward Hooper. Então, sua vizinha, Addie, o convida para dormir com ela. Belo reencontro de Redford e Fonda, que protagonizaram DESCALÇOS NO PARQUE, em 1967.  Louis (Robert Redford) is a widower who lives on the sleepy fringes of small-town Colorado, where he is unable to get much shut-eye of his own. He’s always up before the sun comes up, with the radio on and the newspaper open, just another lonesome old man living an Edward Hopper existence. Then one night there’s a tap on the door and in walks Addie (Jane Fonda), who lives across the street and is in pretty much the same boat. Out of the blue, without preamble, Addie asks Louis if he wouldn’t mind coming over to sleep with her. Not for the sex, just for the company, because she is lonely and the nights are the worst. It’s a terrific opening gambit and Fonda plays it with aplomb. Her appeal is so nakedly sincere that something catches in your chest. Nice reunion of the stars of BAREFOOT IN THE PARK (1967).